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Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Gimme some of that Ayres & Titties

We ain't been writing (or going out much lately) due to mad amounts of stuff goin' on in our respective lives BUT we rocked out to Deviant in Brick lane the other day to check out the Rub, they didn't disappoint with some Booty shaking freshness, see the DJ Craze music description:

'Club-style Miami bass, formed with the technical love of hip hop with clean cuts and ridiculously dextrous scratching, but a mix up of straight up rap, ghettotech, raw booty house, old-school electro, Baltimore/Miami bass crossover and sweaty lo-end dancefloor music, making it all but impossible to keep still.'


Ayres gets the most props usually but I reckon Cosmo Baker rocked it freshest with an array of fun tunes put at our disposal.
Noticed on their site they got a whole history of Hiphop thing thats DEF worth checkin' out (if you love Hiphop like we do). So what year was the best?... opinions...

Post gigs the works piles on, so been listening to alot of shit, especially uber fresh Tittsworth who unfortunatly we missed on out Miami WMC trip.



So heres my bet. YOU LISTEN TO ONE OF THESE TWO MIXES, BASS PUMPED UP AND DON'T SHAKE SOME PART OF YOUR BODY FOR THE WHOLE MIX. The whole dam thing kid. Honestly Titts gits ya movin' and BMore is um yeah takin over. You do that come tell me and I'll buy you a drink...
Then again Ian over at Songkick says British women can't shake it like the yanks, but that's a whole other story about not showing up.

We hate it when people don't show up man...

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