About a year ago was when man make music really really started going. Run by three talented heads by the name of sketch, sam and another amit, they had had a few warehouse parties that I heard about through the grapevine with a big one lined up for the beginning of march. The location, an abandoned warehouse in north east london (hackney wick) was out of the way, rented by 5 lodgers and set for demolition come the 2012 olympics. The party was... AMAZING... words can't really describe, the vibe, the people, the music, the way everyone was living just for that, the line outside the door stretching down the block at 2am, the party. It was HUGE, it was SICK it was Make make ILLNESS. Seriously seriously dope. Thing is it was SO DOPE that ever since every party MMM have thrown has been compared to this one shindig. I reckon everytime sketch throws a party someone asks him when his next Hackney WIck party is. There's an answer now... 29th of March in the location where it all started and I cannot really say enough to GET YOU TO GO!!!!! seriously get there before midnight cause its gonna pack out for sure! Anyway check out Man make music dot com to find out more and if your in london DO NOT MISS THIS PARTY...
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